常满新作 | 杭州 X 虚室生白,静思空间的探索
At the invitation of the owner, the designer Changman explores the oriental artistic conception and encourages the design context of thinking and maintenance behavior.
Just like the designer"s distinctive design features in the past, this 210-square-meter space is filled with either independent or superimposed building blocks, and the independent "boxes" are strung into a whole through flowing spatial relationships, and they become a "home".
搭建 · 序
Laminated glass reflects the hazy interior, and the dark wood surrounds the space texture; through the gap, you can see a corner of the scenery, and the virtual and the real coexist.
"Architecture is frozen music, so it must be rhythmic rather than straightforward."
The designer made the entrance and terrace floors high and low, the guest dining room was raised, and flowed from the entrance to the guest dining room space.
塑形 · 光
The terrace is included in the guest restaurant, and the light and shadow follow the volume and cutting of the object, which outlines a comfortable and pleasant space field, and makes the vision continuous.
Gendiao looked at people through the years, and the flowing light and shadow spread to the kitchen, blurring the boundaries of different boxes and pulling each other, filling the poetry of life between meals.
The vessel carries the precipitation of time, and the green branches shrouded in halo awaken people"s perception of beauty. Intense and pure black, it is tempting to immerse yourself in a world of thinking full of infinite reverie.
内修 · 心
Without superfluous pretense, the study uses materials and reading itself to wrap, guide and transform people"s emotions.
The designer made the bedroom as simple as possible. The washbasin was hidden in the column, and a notch was opened between the upper cabinet and the lower drawer for the end view.
Instead of deliberately stacking symbols, the designer often embellishes scattered oriental charms under the figurative modern form, so as to fit the temperament of the owner and family to the greatest extent.
△ 设计师常满
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- 常满新作 | 杭州 X 虚室生白,静思空间的探索
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